It's night-time again in America.
It is the deep of a long, dark, and moonless night. We the people are in bed, wandering in that anxious zone between sleeping and waking, shoulders tensed and covers pulled high against the cold, still, steady drizzle that seems to have had no beginning and will have no end. Strange dreams prod our restlessness, filling us with dread, a loss of control, and futility.
A night creature's howl drones in the distance, constant, a fog-enveloped reminder and enforcer of the worries of this wet, endless night. A toss, a turn; it is tuned out. We do our best to ignore it in our distressed slumber.
But then a retaliatory shriek rends the silent fog. It is defensive, but strong, repelling the nocturnal attack and calling for aide. Replies echo through the mossy woods from all directions. At first one, then two, then five. Clearly a battle has begun. They are on the move, closing the circle, fighting as one.
The night creature's threatening howl changes; it wails once in empty defiant insistence, then again in confusion, then is drowned by the growing defenders. It wails again in harrowed, comprehending fear and seeks its own shelter.
In America, there is a change in the sky. The rain stops. The fog dissipates. Dawn's deep blue diffuses and spreads to replace the black of the dark night.
Is it dawn?
In our beds we awaken. Our heads are clear. The darkness and the howling were simply that, nothing more. Our walls and our roofs, built to protect, have stood against the night and kept us safe. The darkness threatened, but it could never really reach us.
And so we dress, head downstairs for coffee, unlock our doors, and step into the light of the rising sun for a deep breath of cool fall air tasting of leaves and frost and clarity.
We go to work as never before in our country's history. May we, in four years, be able to recognize and repeat this prayer to liberty:
Thank you, Senator Cruz, for shocking the press by standing up to them. Thank you for waking up our candidates and our country.
Thank you, Senator Rubio, for reminding us that Americans can fight, even fail sometimes, and can still succeed.
Thank you, Dr. Ben Carson, for civilly challenging the intolerant scourge of political correctness masquerading as sensitivity yet wielded as a hammer.
Thank you, Carly Fiorina, for calling for accountability in the public sector matching the scrutiny of the private, and for explaining what cony capitalism is and how big government fosters it. May Hillary's nightmares come true.
Thank you, Donald Trump, for negotiating a merciful end to the false premises of this clown-show the media calls a debate.
Thank you, Governor Christie, for bringing issues of import to the table and explaining that ideas can be both good and different.
Thank you, Dr. Rand Paul, for seeking a government so small you can't see it, and for simply articulating that the one thing on which you shouldn't have price controls is money itself.
Thank you John Harwood, Carl Quintanilla, and Becky Quick, for being so rude that you've even offended people in New Jersey. You've woken up the sleeping power that is America.
Huck, Jeb, John, your tee-time is in fifteen minutes. Please report to the starter.I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get you a fourth.