Friday, October 8, 2010

'Cause I'm my own Grand-pa

While reading through next year's health plan coverage from my employer, I came across this simple explanation of a dependent:

"In general, an eligible dependent is any individual who received over half of his or her support from you and is your:

􀂃 Spouse

􀂃 Son or daughter, or descendent of either

􀂃 Stepson or stepdaughter

􀂃 Brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister

􀂃 Father or mother, or ancestor of either

􀂃 Stepfather or stepmother

􀂃 Brother’s or sister’s son or daughter

􀂃 Father’s or mother’s brother or sister

􀂃 Son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-inlaw

􀂃 An individual who resides in your home as his/her principal residence and is a

member of your household

􀂃 Same-sex domestic partner and his or her children (considered eligible dependents

for the Health Care FSA only if they are your legal tax dependents)

If you are divorced or separated, either parent can claim a child as a dependent under the special income tax rules for divorced or separated parents. Medical expenses paid by either parent are expenses incurred on behalf of an eligible dependent for purposes of the Health Care FSA, even if the parent does not claim the child as a dependent for income tax purposes"

Does this read like a country music song or what? 

Wouldn't it be easier to list who isn't a dependent?  Or just stay married, raise your kids, and kick them out of the house when it's time?